Genesis - Living Forever vaizdo klipas

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Living Forever dainos žodžiai

I'm feeling so confused today
It seems they've changed the rules again
Cos in my life I'm trying hard
To do it all so I can remain
Healthy and sane

I'll live forever, always one more tomorrow
Living forever, always one more tomorrow

I heard it on the radio
Too much of what they said wasn't so
And now we've got to do those things
That they thought before were so wrong
To be healthy and strong

And live forever, always one more tomorrow
Living forever, alsways one more tomorrow

I know we don't need you
I know we don't believe you
You don't really have the answer
You think you know better
You think it really matters
You just want to rule overseverybody's live

I think I'll chage my life today
Gone are the times of taking care
And I don't need a reson why
All I need is all in a day
Survive in a way

Or just till tomorrow, always one more tomorrow
Living forever, do you really want to live forever


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