Vertical Horizon - Liberty vaizdo klipas

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Vertical Horizon

Liberty dainos žodžiai

We met as two total strangers
As many lovers often do
But who could have ever seen the danger
Didn't know I'd fallen in love with you You are this lonely picker's daydream
Like a wish that's wishing to come true
So Liberty, just know I'm waiting
To share this love song with you Chorus:
But do you think about me when you're lying in his bed
Won't you take the time to explain
Do you ever think you'd rather be with me instead
Or do you only think about me when it rains
We shared some special nights together
We said we'd watch the morning rise
But when the sun was all around us
Wasn't nothing I hadn't seen in your eyes I try so hard to keep it hidden
But I am hurting deep inside
For every time I've seen you smile
There are two times that I have cried Chorus Now and forever, my love will be the same
I will be waiting underneath the pouring rain


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