Rediscover - Kiss Me vaizdo klipas

Kitu Rediscover dainų žodžiai

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Kiss Me dainos žodžiai

I take a breath
And look around
To see you
Seeing me seeing you
You wear a dress
That I couldn't help but notice doesn't match your shoes

But you don't care, you're too busy dancing the night away x2
No, you don't care, you're too busy laughing the night away x2

I don't want you to leave
Without dancing with me
I don't want you to leave
Before you kiss me
So go and get your keys
I think that we should leave
I really think he sees
You looking at me

I take a breath
And turn around
To check you
Checking me out so bad
It's obvious
As that funny style that you have

But you don't care, you're too busy dancing the night away x2
No, you don't care, you're too busy laughing the night away x2

I don't want you to leave
Without dancing with me
I don't want you to leave
Before you kiss me
So go and get your keys
I think that we should leave
I really think he sees
You looking at me

Hold me tight
Hold me tight all through the night

Hold me tight
Hold me tight

I don't want you to leave
Without dancing with me
I don't want you to leave
Before you kiss me
So go and get your keys
I think that we should leave
I really think he sees
(I really think he sees)

I don't want you to leave
Without dancing with me
I don't want you to leave
Before you kiss me
So go and get your keys
And get ready to leave
I really hope he sees
You leaving with me


Apsaugos kodas:
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