Aaliyah - Island In The Rain vaizdo klipas

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Island In The Rain dainos žodžiai

I'll take a journey through the town to dock gate one

And there 1'11 take a ferry boat

That ferry sails across the Solent waters deep

To an island like a castle with a moat

I'll leave the empty shores of Hythe and Netley Bay

The smoke of Fawley soon will fade

And I'll be bound where something undecided waits

A memory or a useless masquerade

Back to the island in the rain

Before the season or the weather's change

I'm searching for the ghosts that haunt this island view

One looks like me one has the face of you

L'1l go to bars we used to go to every day

To Tennyson's statue carved in stone

It's stayed the same throughout the passing of the years

But we were made of faithless flesh and bone

This time of year it rains on every empty beach

This time of year the summer souvenirs are gone

No slot machines, candy floss or novelties

Like love affairs picked up and lost along the prom

There's only lovers walking in the rain

The way we did before another season came

Ghosts, shadows, spirits of a dream

Or just players in a scene?


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