Adam Ant - If You Keep On vaizdo klipas

Kitu Adam Ant dainų žodžiai

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Adam Ant

If You Keep On dainos žodžiai

I'll take it round
Round by round
And I will pay if you don't mind
So just say hello
Or even stare
But don't talk about me
When I'm standing there
So you run your life
And I'll run mine
Don't ask how I am
You're no friend of mine
I've made my own bed
It suits me fine
I don't know your name
But you sure know mine
I'm not hard to get on with
You'd try the patience
Of a saint
If you keep on talking to me
With all of your crude advice
I'll talk to you my friend
And it won't be nice
If you keep on doing what you're doing
I'm gonna vexed with you
If you keep on doing what you're doing
You're gonna be next
I'll take it round
Round by round
Don't want to hear bells when I hit the ground
After awhile you get used to pain
If you knock me down
I'll just get up again
Now these things I say
Sound hard for you
Well that's just because
You've got no point of view
Some people talk and never do
And that's the big difference
Between me and you
If you keep doing what you're doing......


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