Alabama - I Wanna Come Over vaizdo klipas

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I Wanna Come Over dainos žodžiai

Is that what time it is
I'm sorry if I woke you with this call
But all this wine is in my head
And I'm so lonely from it all
Don't hang up
Baby hear what I gotta say
We started out such a beautiful story
We just can't end this way

I wanna come over I wanna love you tonight
I don't care about the time or who's wrong or who's right
Just say it's and I'll be on my way
I wanna come over could you get outta bed
I'll try to unsay all the things I've said
Please say its and I'll be on my way

Is that what time it is
I'm sorry if I'm keeping you from your sleep
But all these feelings are running through me
You know I never knew they ran so deep
What's that you're sayin'
That just before I phoned
You were gettin' ready to give me call
'Cause you were feelin' so alone

I wanna come over I wanna love you tonight
I don't care about the time or who's wrong or who's right
Just say it's and I'll be on my way
I wanna come over could you get outta bed
I'll try to unsay all the things I've said
Please say its and I'll be on my way
I wanna come over
I comin' over
I wanna come over
Just let me come over tonight


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