Air Supply - I Dont Believe You vaizdo klipas

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Air Supply

I Dont Believe You dainos žodžiai

Who are we to say who we must obey

To get much better, ooh to get much better,

Who are we to say there's only one way to read the letter,

A decision to make and here I must be sure

It will not break me,

Not a friend in the place to say to my face

If I'm right or if I'm wrong.

Who are we to say what we must throw away,

It doesn't matter, ooh it doesn't matter

This is for me, this is for you,

It's not inspiring it's not the right thing

I can't accept some things,

Irrespective of how long you tell me

You can make me give in but that's because

I'm stronger than I should be.

I don't believe you, I don't believe the things you say

There's another way, I can choose to take

There's another way and it's for me to make

When there's a voice to tell you the choice,

You will remember, ooh you will remember

Know what to take, what decisions to make without thinking

I can't accept some things,

I never will say yes when I don't mean to,

You am make me give in but that's because

I'm happy when I'm with you.

I don't believe you, I don't believe the things you say

There's another way, I can choose to take

There's another way and it's for me to make


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