Abba - I Am An A vaizdo klipas

Kitu Abba dainų žodžiai

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I Am An A dainos žodžiai

I am Frida, hello
I'm the star of the show
- That's what she thinks anyway
And I like to perform
Benny says I am warm
- Well, hot is the least you can say
Independent and free
And ambitious, that's me
Fighting for fame and success
And I'm tough too, you see
- No she's not, just ask me
Well, singing and dancing
Is what I like best

I am an A - I'm a B
He is okay - So is she
Singing together in harmony
He is a B - She's a bird
Do you need me? - Yes, you heard
We are a simple four letter word:

I am Björn, I'm the guy
Who is careful and shy
Don't like to spend every dime
But I love my guitar
And a drive in my car
- It scares me to death every time
And I don't like to shave
- You should live in a cave
No, I feel more at home on the stage
When I sing and I play
With MY group, it's okay
- YOUR group! You're kidding
- Or is it your age?

I am an A - I'm a B
He is okay - So is she
Singing together in harmony
He is a B - She's a bird
Do you need me? - Yes, you heard
We are a simple four letter word:

Two and two together makes four
Every song opens a door
I am an A - I am a B
I am a B - I am an A

I'm Agnetha, hello
I'm the young one, you know
- And she never let's me forget
I am gentle and mild
Underneath it, I'm wild
- Craziest woman I've met
I'm romantic, they say
But it's not quite that way
I'm down to earth, yes indeed
And I like early nights
So I turn off the lights
- And I never get any chances to.. read

I am an A - I'm a B
He is okay - So is she
Singing together in harmony
He is a B - She's a bird
Do you need me? - Yes, you heard
We are a simple four letter word:

I am Benny, at last
And I'm living quite fast
I like to travel and see
I can play day and night
If the feeling's alright
- And it's sometimes a problem for me
I can play "In The Mood"
I like wine, I like food
- Now, that's something he just can't deny
But I'm the talented one
With a place in the sun, right?
- When he's not bragging, he's quite a nice guy

I am an A - I'm a B
He is okay - So is she
Singing together in harmony
I am an A - I'm a B
He is okay - So is she
Singing together in harmony
He is a B - She's a bird
Do you need me? - Yes, you heard
We are a simple four letter word:


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