Pj Harvey - Highway 61 Revisited vaizdo klipas

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Pj Harvey

Highway 61 Revisited dainos žodžiai

Well, god said to abraham "kill me a son"
Abe said "man you must be puttin me on"
God said "no"
Abe said "what"
God said "you do what you wanna but
Next time you see me coming you better run"
Abe said "where do you want this killing done"
God said "out on that highway 61"

Well, georgia sam he had bloody nose
Wellfare department would give him no clothes
He asked poor howard "where can I go"
Howard said "there is only one place I know"
Sam said "quick man tell me I got to run"
Howard just pointed with his gun
And said "that way down on 61"

"well, mack the finger" said louie the king
I got 40 red white and blue shoestrings
And a thousand telephones that won´t ring
You know I can´t get rid of these things
And he said "now let me think a minute son"
Said "yes that can be easily done
Just take them dowan on 61"

That highway

Now the fifth daughter on the twelve night
Told first father that things weren't right
"My complexion" she said "is much to white"
He said "Come here and stare up into the light"
And said "Mmmm you're right, let me tell the second mother it's been done"
But the second mother with the seventh son
They were out on that highway 61

Now, the roving gambler was very bored
Trying to create the next world war
And he found a promoter, fell off the floor
And said "I've never engaged in this kind of thing before
But yep I think it can be easily done"
They just put some bleachers there out in the sun
And have it out on that 61


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