Cher - Hell Never Know vaizdo klipas

Kitu Cher dainų žodžiai

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Hell Never Know dainos žodžiai

They go off and leave me behind
They have so many words to find
I run to catch a glimpse of them
Just walking in the sun
Knowing they'll be mine again
When the evening has begun
And when I see them hand in hand
The boy who walks beside the man
I pray that I will always have the world
That I have found
The husband and the son
That I built my life around Chorus:
He'll never know of that night long ago
He'll never know it's locked in my mind
No he'll never know
From the feelings I show
He'll never know
His son is only mine Sometimes I lie awake at night
Watching darkest turn to light
Thinking back on all the things
I said to him today
Wondering if I might had a careless word to say
When the morning's almost here
He reaches out to draw me near
Silently I search his face for the love
I hope to see and once again
I'm sure that all his love belongs to me Chorus


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