Air Supply - Haunted vaizdo klipas

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Air Supply

Haunted dainos žodžiai

Moments are tarnished it's a sound in the wind

I hear a voice I'd like to talk to again

A voice full of whispers and clever details

Ear to a breast it's a ghost light so pale

Where are you tonight?

Hiding in shadows in the personnel file

Flashbacks on pages oh they're under denial

Well I'm looking away but there is heart in my ears

Murder so close that her blood tastes sincere

Well who am I tonight?

All connections were safer for you

All relations were waiting for you

Haunting me with failing you

Fades out forgotten

Fades out forgotten

Fade, fade, fades out

Near to a year now I've been waiting to heal

Talking to ghosts sometimes seems just as real

As the cold in her eyes where contempt still resides

Small as a friendship a betrayal so inspired

Well who is she tonight?

Lover or loser, now, now who can tell

Games play with fools who don't play them so well

But now is the time, it's the place to begin

Ghosts haunt that life but it's not where I live

Who are we tonight?

Underline your needs have won

Underscores your word undone

Haunting me with wasted love

Fades out forgotten

Fades out forgiven

Fade, fade, fades out


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