Bowling For Soup - Get Happy vaizdo klipas

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Bowling For Soup

Get Happy dainos žodžiai

She packed her shit and she left for the city
On the 8:10 train and I still can't believe it
Man, I don't even know how we could let this happen
She slammed the door and she gave me the finger
And we fell so fast I still can't remember
You can read it yourself, it's all in the letter
Man, I don't even know how we could let this happen Maybe you're right
we've had a good time
I'll sit around, you get yourself a new life
Go get your spot, go find your smile and get happy Heard your back did you find what was missing?
Was it just that easy or were you mistaken
Man, I don't even know how we could let this happen
I don't even know how we could let this happen Maybe you're right
We've had a good time
I'll sit around you get yourself a new life
Go get your spot, go find your smile
And just let it shine tonight wherever you are
I hope there's a spot (hope there's a spot)
Save me a smile
And get happy, yeah
Happy, yeah
Happy, yeah Maybe you're right
We've had a good time
I'll sit around you get yourself a new life
Go get your spot, go find your smile
And just let it shine tonight wherever you are
I hope there's a spot (hope there's a spot)
And save me a smile
And get happy
Get happy, yeah
Get happy, yeah Packed her shit and she left me (find your smile)
Slammed the door and she gave me (find your smile)
Guess she's back in the city (find your smile)
Man, I just hope you're happy


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