Yellowcard - For The Longest Time vaizdo klipas

Kitu Yellowcard dainų žodžiai

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For The Longest Time dainos žodžiai

[Orginally by Billy Joel] woohoohoohoo for the longest time
woohoohoo for the longest time
if you'd say goodbye to me tonight
there would still be music left to write
what else could I do
I'm so inspired by you
you haven't been there for the longest time
if you say that i'm the one that's wrong,
would i have the strength to carry on
that's where you found me,
when you put your arms around me
you haven't been there for the longest time
woohoohoohoo for the longest time
woohoohoo for the longest time
I'm that voice your hearing in the hall
and the greatest miracle of all
is when you found me,
when you put your arms around me
you haven't been there for the longest time
If you said that i'm the one that's wrong
would i have the strength to carry on
i'll take my chances
i forgot how sweet romance is
you haven't been there for the longest time
woohoohoohoo for the longest time
woohoohoo for the longest time


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