Goo Goo Dolls - Flat Top vaizdo klipas

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Goo Goo Dolls

Flat Top dainos žodžiai

Flat top intervention
Bringin' home the new invention
See it there in pieces on the ground A television war between the cynics and the saints
Flip the dial and that's whose side you're on Ah, sleeping on the White House lawn ain't never changed a thing
Look at all the washed out Hippie dreams
And it's fallin' all around us
Is this some kind of joke they're trying to pull on us?
Fallin' all around us
I'll turn my head off for a while
The tabloid generation's lost
Choking on it's fear
Used to be that's all we had to fear And conscience keeps us quiet while the crooked love to speak
There's knowledge wrapped in blankets on the street. A visionary coward says that anger can be power
As long as there's a victim on TV
And it's fallin' all around us
Is this some kind of joke they're trying to pull on us?
Fallin' all around us
I'll turn my head off for a while
And my dirty dreams all come alive
On my TV screen
And assasination plots
Show me what I haven't got
Show me what I love, and who I'm s'posed to be
Show me everything I need
Show it all to me
Show it all to me
And it's fallin' all around us
Is this some kind of joke they're trying to pull on us?
Fallin' all around us
I'll turn my head off for a while


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