Dead Legend - Falling From The Sky vaizdo klipas

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Dead Legend

Falling From The Sky dainos žodžiai

How did this happen
I promised before, won't do this no more
That this would be the last time I fell so hard

Where did you come from to steal my heart
'Cause I can't take anymore

You came falling from the sky
Who would've known you'd be mine
You came falling from the sky

Chase it around
Like a merry-go-round, but don't hit the ground
It's spinning so fast
I can't catch my breath, oh no

Where did you come from to steal my heart
'Cause I can't take anymore

You came falling from the sky
Who would've known you'd be mine
You came falling from the sky

Sink or swim I can't live in between
Crash and burn to the ground
All that I ask is you try and make it last
'Cause I won't hear you screaming

You came falling from the sky
Who would've known you'd be mine
You came falling from the sky
Everything was fine
Now I can't tell wrong from right
You came falling from the sky

You came falling from the sky


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