Aerosmith - Fall Together vaizdo klipas

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Fall Together dainos žodžiai

Fall Together

Looking through the looking glass
Looking back at me
I got X-Ray rear view vision
But I don't like what I see

Now, I'd should not bitch and moan
But there's not much I can do
When you're hangin' by a thread
And I'm hangin' on to you

Baby we can fall apart
Or we can fall together
It's a long, way down
We can make a new start
Never say never
We can fall apart
Or we can fall together

Now I know you feel compelled
When you're so down in the dumps
Every road can take some turns
And every road has got it's bumps

Now you got to know yourself
Yeah, you got to play it smart
'Cause you'll suffer for your sanity
If you suffer for your art

Baby we can fall apart
Or we can fall together
It's a long way down
We can make a new start
Never say never
We can fall apart
Or we can fall together

Now honey I got this feelin' somethin's funny
But I don't know what it is
My knees are shakin'
And the ground's about to give

Or we can fall together
It's a long way down
We can make a new start
Never say never
We can fall apart
Or we can fall together

Baby we can fall apart
Or we can fall together
It's a long way down
We can make a new start
Never say never
We can fall apart
Or we can fall together

Fall together
Fall together
Fall together, right now
You and me


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