Air Supply - Evidence Of Love vaizdo klipas

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Air Supply

Evidence Of Love dainos žodžiai

(Chris Farron/Steve Diamond)
When I look for the love in your eyes
You turn away
And there's nothing as loud as the words
That we never say
Look at us now
Standing on the edge again
It's not too late to try again
I need some...
Evidence of love
To keep on going
Show me some evidence of love
And I'll be here
I still believe we can see this through
There's only so much I can do
And it doesn't make sense
Without some evidence of love
There's a frozen look on your face
Is it saying goodbye
'Cause there's nothing as cold as the ashes
When the fire has died
Talk to me now
Tell me what you're missing
Talk to me now
And try to find your heart again
I need some...
Stand and fight
Gotta say what's on your mind, baby
So much is on the line
Here's a chance to make it right
Talk to me now
Tell me what you're missing
Talk to me now
ANd try to find your heart again
I need some...


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