Getter Jaani - Rockefeller Street vaizdo klipas

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Getter Jaani

Rockefeller Street dainos žodžiai

Performer: Getter Jaani
Song title: Rockefeller Street
Song writer(s): Sven Lõhmus
Song composer(s): Sven Lõhmus

Daylight is fading away,
Night silhouettes in the sky,
LED lights are flashing on towers,
It`s Manhattan`s magical time.

Ballerinas dancing "The Swan Lake"
On a river made of diamonds and pearls,
Everything is a little bit weird now.

Because tonight,
It is showtime,
In the middle of the street life,
All we celebrate is good times,
Because tonight it is showtime.

Come and walk with me...

1273 down the Rockefeller Street,
Life is marchin' on do you feel that?
1273 down the Rockefeller Street,
Everything is more than surreal.

Old school Hollywood stars,
Party Cinderellas are here,
They move like computer game heroes.

Because they know,
It is showtime,
In the middle of the street life,
All they celebrate good times,
Because tonight it is showtime.

So let`s keep movin' on...

Rockefeller Street

1273 down the Rockefeller Street
Life is marchin' on do you feel that?
1273 down the Rockefeller Street,
Everything is more than surreal.

Keep movin', keep movin', keep movin', keep movin',
If you want to know what Rockefeller groove is,
Keep movin', keep movin', keep movin', keep movin',
Time is right to celebrate good times.

Keep movin', keep movin', keep movin', keep movin',
If you want to know what Rockefeller groove is,
Keep movin', keep movin', keep movin', keep movin',
Time is right to celebrate good times.

1273 down the Rockefeller Street
Life is marchin' on do you feel that?
1273 down the Rockefeller Street,
Everything is more than surreal.

1273 down the Rockefeller Street
Life is marchin' on do you feel that?
1273 down the Rockefeller Street,
Everything is more than surreal.


Apsaugos kodas:
Monika rašė: prieš 157 mėn
Labai faina daina! Man patiko. :)
gabi99 rašė: prieš 157 mėn
is pirmo tokia nuobodi o dabar tiesiog nereli
linute24 rašė: prieš 157 mėn
is pradziu buvo tokis fui daina o dabar pasidare labai ne fui yra lietuviškų ir angliškų dainų tekstų ir žodžių archyvas. Visi dainų tekstai yra jų autorių nuosavybė ir pateikiami tik informaciniais tikslais. Visi vaizdo klipai yra iš, čia pateikiama automatinė Youtube klipų paieška. neprisiima atsakomybės už šioje svetainėje skelbiamos informacijos tikslumą ir jos panaudojimo pasekmes. Kiekvienas rašydamas naują komentarą atsako už skelbiamos informacijos turinį.
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