Justin Bieber - Bigger vaizdo klipas

Kitu Justin Bieber dainų žodžiai

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Justin Bieber

Bigger dainos žodžiai

Gotta belive in me
Belive me like a fairytale
Put your tooth under your pillow case
No, I won't, I won't!
Have I ever let you down? (Noo)
Like the sea saw let ya down! (Ohhh)
You know why!
Cuz we ain't on the playground no more, baby!
We're big enough
To stand in the picture
We're big enough
To stand next to love
I was a player when I was little, but I'm bigger
A heart breaker when I was little, but now I'm bigger, I'm bigger
And all the haters, I swear, they look so small from up here
Cuz we're bigger
And love's bigger
And I'm bigger
And you're bigger
Remember when my heart was young?
You were still bigger than me
Is that the reason why you stayed close when they got rid of me?
Now, the bullies in the schoolyard can't take our hugs and our kisses from us
Because, we ain't push overs, no more, baby!
We're big enough
To stand in the picture
We're big enough
To stand next to love
I was a player when I was little, but I'm bigger
A heart breaker when I was little, but now I'm bigger, I'm bigger
And all the haters, I swear, they look so small from up here
Cuz we're bigger
And love's bigger
And I'm bigger
And you're bigger.

I was a player when I was little, but I'm bigger
A heart breaker when I was little, but now I'm bigger, I'm bigger
And all the haters, I swear, they look so small from up here
Cuz we're bigger
And love's bigger
And I'm bigger
And you're bigger
(I remember that, like yesterday)
Since then all I can remember, is the love I have with you!


Apsaugos kodas:
Karolina rašė: prieš 165 mėn
Man labai patinka tavo dainos noreciau kadanor tave pamatyti isorei kiek tau metu yra man 14

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