Plain White T's - Penny (Perfect For You) vaizdo klipas

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Plain White T's

Penny (Perfect For You) dainos žodžiai

What's your car doing outside his house?
it's 3 o'clock in the morning
When you left me you promised there was no one else
At least that was your story
Well ok, I know I'm not perfect
but what makes him so f**king cool?
He's just another little punk like the rest of them
The kid's just another tool

I guess he's perfect for you/

Why are you two alone at his house?
you told me people would be over
Then you lie right to my face
you try to tell me you didn't drive over
Well ok, I know that you're lyin'
I saw your car with my very own eyes
Why would you lie about something so stupid?
unless you've got something to hide
I think you do

I guess he's perfect for you/

Don't try to explain, don't try to deny it
I don't wanna hear anymore of your lyin'
I can see the way you talk to him
and that's enough to make me hate the kid
So when you find out that he's a dick don't come crawling back

Why are you always over at his house?
what the hell do you do there?
You're tellin' me that you don't mess around
and I'm telling you that I really don't care
Well ok, go have your fun
go out with Penny if it's what you gotta do
But if you tell him that you love him
Make sure he knows that you told me that too
Yeah, you told me that too

I guess he's perfect for you
Thought I was perfect for you
I guess he's perfect for you


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