Plain White T's - Lazy Day Afternoon vaizdo klipas

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Plain White T's

Lazy Day Afternoon dainos žodžiai

Nothings going on but I don't care
Just another lazy day afternoon
Leave me here don't take me anywhere Why should I get up when I've got nothing to
Why should I go out, why should I even move
Just another lazy day afternoon
Beautiful day outside but I don't care
Everything I need I got right here I'd rather be a jerk and lay around
When everybodys working This day is just to perfect
Just another lazy day afternoon
Why should I get up when I've got nothing to
Nothings going on but I don't care
Leave me here don't take me anywhere
Just another lazy day afternoon
Just another lazy day afternoon
Afternoon Afternoon
When everybodys working
I'd rather be a jerk and lay around
This day is just to perfect
Just another lazy day afternoon Beautiful day outside but I don't care
Everything I need I got right here
Just another lazy day afternoonWhy should I go out, why should I even move


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