Aerosmith - Dont Get Mad, Get Even vaizdo klipas

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Dont Get Mad, Get Even dainos žodžiai

Don't Get Mad, Get Even "

I'll tell you little secret make you want to jump and shout
When you talk to me in circles take your foot out of your mouth
It's hard enough to make it when you're livin' on the street
And you want to tell somebody but you got to be discreet
Then you catch your girlfriend with her skirt hiked up to here
Honey, don't get mad, get even

Don't get mad, get even [3x]

Say the times they be a-changin' though the blind lead the blind
You know your head is empty though there's somethin' on your mind
Been shackin' up with Lucy, then when the morning comes
You're with Sally in the alley and the junkies and the bums
You wonder why your girlfriend has her skirt hiked up to here
Honey, don't get mad, get even

Don't get mad, get even [3x]

(...'til I can see the white o' your eyes, baby...)
(...I'm gonna kick ass...)
(...just wait 'til you see what I got in store for you)

Roll the dice get lucky 'cause they roll you for the dime
You got nothin' else to lose if you only lose your mind
When pleasure that is shallow causes trouble to be deep
You've been dusted with the devil while he sweeps you off your feet

I'll tell you little secret make you want to jump and shout
When you talk to me in circles take your foot out of your mouth
It's hard enough to make it when you're livin' on the street
And you hate to be a wiseguy when your feet are in concrete
Oh, sleepin' with the dogs, and you wake up with the fleas
Honey, don't get mad, get even


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